
Irish Twins? {Happy Birthday Mason}!

Irish Twins are siblings born within 12 months of each other...  so, Mason and Brayden don't exactly fit this definition, BUT, they were born on the same day - 2 years apart.  So, tomorrow is Mason Lee Blands 1st Birthday, and Brayden's 3rd.  

Mason was also one of the first 'clients' I had.  When I started this little venture of mine, I stalked people to do pictures, usually for free.  That meant that my family was 'obligated' to let me do their pictures!  And Mason, was my first newborn.  It was educational - and a great experience! I learned a lot with my first little client.  I, unfortunately, have lost his cute little face to his Dad's photo expertise (B-land Design) - but, I get to snag a family picture now and then.  



Mason is growing up so fast!  One day he was this chunky little guy that could barely sit-up - and now he is on the go, walking every where! He is insanely adorable - of course, that is to be expected coming from cute parents!  He has joined his beautiful, sweet and sincere older sister Maxine.  It will be fun to watch their sibling relationship develop and change phases from enemies to partners in mischief! 

Here is his cute little face - and his cute little family!  

We Love you Mason!  Happy 1st Birthday!



Happy Birthday Cole {a.k.a Little Nate}

I am so blessed to come from a large family.  Growing up was never a dull moment - and I always had someone to play with.  Now that we are grown, we have kids of our own.  And, although Brayden is an only child - he has more than enough cousins to keep him entertained.  For many years, it seemed as though there was always someone that was having a new baby, a new member to join our family.  

Five years ago, that new member was Cole.  He is named after his maternal grandmothers maiden name - I love that.  Two families merged, Cole Gudmunson. 

Cole is just like his Dad.  And on most days, you can bet that where ever Nathan is, Cole is only a few steps behind, in his cowboy boots (no matter the time of year), hands in his pockets, and a smile on his face.  He loves being outside and working with the animals and helping farm.  He takes initiative to already do things on his own - he is a helping hand to his Dad and Grandpa's. 



I see Nathan in Cole - by the smirk on face and in his determination to do things a certain way.  It takes me back to my own childhood - Nathan working outside, usually just a few steps back from our Dad.  Until he determined he could do things on his own - and, he did.  He knew how to drive a loader before his feet could barely reach the pedals.  I know Cole is not far from that.

Those are some of my favorite parts of my life - watching my siblings grow as parents - and watching their children grow into the same person my siblings were as kids.  

Colie - you make us all smile and laugh.  We love watching you grow into the adorable little man that you already are, and into the hardworking, prideful man (just like your Dad) that you will someday be. 

We all love you! Happy 5th Birthday! :) 



Smith Family Smiles

This post is long over due.  I had so much fun working with this family.  Relaxed and casual - we just hung out and let the kids do their thing - while I snapped lots and lots of pictures.  I had a really hard time picking some favorites - there were lots of cute ones.  Here are a few:





family + furry smiles

This is my cousin Jess, her boyfriend Alex - and their Children ; )

This is the first family session I have done - where the majority of the family members were doggies :) It was a new and fun experience  -  and, I think they turned out pretty great!  Jess and Alex look great - and their kids are adorable!!  :)

I think they may have prompted me to adding another section to my gallery for pets :) Coming soon!





{denim and boots}

Who could resist this cutie in denim and boots?!  How adorable is he?  And, would you look at those big brown eyes!!??

I love this part of my life - taking pictures.  Little Nolan is cousins to my post about little butt cheekers.  We all got to hang out again at the farm for his session.  I had just as much fun as the kids did!  

I took a little longer than normal to get his pictures edited.  His family got concerned that there wasn't any of him smiling - or potentially pictures of real tangible quality.  Defiantly not the case! Check him out below! 


Little Nolan is 3.  And, as my soft spot for little boys should have it - he reminded me of Brayden.  Brayden isn't 3 yet - but, it is quickly approaching.  Nolan gave me a flash forward of what to expect.  He was excited, yet calmer.  He followed directions beautifully.  And, he was able to hold up his 3 fingers...  Brayden and I are still working on that :) He made me appreciate the 2 year old that Brayden still is - because Nolan was 3: more grown up.  Something that is very hard for me to picture Brayden as...  He is still my baby :) I suppose Brayden will 'grow up' too and I won't even notice the transition.  It makes me a little sad, but excited too.  



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unpacking my bags

I read somewhere (probably on pinterest):

“Everyone you meet comes with baggage; find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack.” Unknown

I joke about my baggage...  maybe I warn.  It allows me the opportunity to say 'I told you so', when life gets a little tough.  I have always tried to be very forthcoming about the challenges that I tote around with me.  Some of my baggage is perfectly cute. Seriously.  He is an almost 3 year old heart melter.  He doesn't do it to just me.  He melts hearts on the street, grocery store, gas station -  total strangers adore him.  He is so easy to love - and truly, I don't even consider him 'baggage'.  He is my life.  He is my everything.  I think that is where the challenge comes in.  Young (and by 'young' I mean new) relationships are supposed to be fun and relaxing and adventurous - spontaneous.  But, kids require routine and schedules - but, they also embody fun too (some times).  That aspect of dating is difficult.  There are far more rules when dating with children involved.  Entering into a relationship knowing that the love a parent feels for their child is unmatched.  It can't be copied, imitated, or duplicated (except by other children).  Someone entering into this life with me, has to have an understanding and respect that this love between a parent and child comes first, bar none.  I was so guarded about this practice, I made it difficult for someone to really come into this precious life that is "Megan and Brayden".  I really wondered if I had enough room to share it with someone else.  I spent many nights, the happy and the frustrating telling myself that this is just how it will be - just me and B.   Along with that thinking came a sense of peace.  Comfort, knowing the familiar.  It isn't always easy - but it is our normal.   I wrote about this 'singleness' in a previous post, single mom smiling.

Underneath my wonderful little life, I am a self proclaimed relationship challenge - Hard to love, comes to mind.   I am very particular about how and when things are done.  I like my towels folded a certain way.  I hate rhythmic noises during silence - it is like nails on a chalkboard.  I am short fused, and have a tongue that can strike - not mean, but to the point. I am stubborn and impossible to talk to when I am mad.  I require a minimum of 5 minutes defusing time - after that I am actually quite reasonable.  I have a memory like an elephant - I don't 'foget' things, and I bring them back to the surface during just the right occasion.  I require coffee in the morning to function.  And, I am a hoarder of all things old.

My heart has struggled with finding direction,  like wind required to sail.  But, when the wind and sail meet, a beautiful adventure can begin.  That's what this post is about.

It's about finding direction.

It's about finding happiness.

respect. love. gratitude. faith. sharing. growing. listening. believing. planning. learning. dreaming. 

living & loving.

It's about finding that person.  That one person,  from all that walk this planet, and sharing the rest of our lives together.

 I found him.  Mr. Just Right for Me.  The wind in my sail.  He was here all of my life.  

All.  My.  Life.

right here.  

John and I joke about all of the times we crossed paths, literally.  We would walk by one another, both to shy to say anything, to wave, to glance - curious, but not brave enough to be the first to make the acknowledgement of the other.  We were more comfortable with the updates from afar.  Annually, our Mom's go to lunch.  They come back with the update from the past year, and plans for the next.  Some ups, some downs in both of our lives.  The coincidences, similarities of each other is almost laughable.  My Mom would point out things we had in common.  Then, she would say, " Would you ever..." I would stop her before she could finish, "No Mom.  He is too shy."  And, that is where it would end, until, of course, next years lunch.  The story of how I changed my direction and we went out on our first date is perfect and adorable - and, I will save it for a later post.

Steve Jobs once said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”  So, here we are, both 30 (he is, I am still 29 for a few more months).  Time is interesting.  We know that at any other point in our lives we wouldn't have worked.  We were meant to find each other at this exact moment in our lives.  The dots connected just as they should. We laugh about how happy we are.  Really laugh.  We can't hardly believe that life has given us something so beautiful.  Really beautiful.  It isn't perfect - but it is just how it is supposed to be: love, respect, and lots of laughing.  Outside of having Brayden, I realize what true happiness feels like.  Complete happiness that is without excuses.  Without exceptions.   Not a fairytale, but absolutely the life that I dreamed about finding.  We are learning a balance - and he predicts my moves.  He appreciates the challenges that I come with, he comes with his own - and I love him for those too.  

John has a lot of friends.  The same ones from grade school.  They all have each other's backs.  That is one very clear and strong trait of John's - he is a great friend.  And, he has shown me time and time again - he will be that to me.  I will be that to him. We are best friends. 

Here he was.  All my life. 

(my first Bears game)

I was congratulated by a friend the other day.  And, I was explaining all of the wedding details.  Which is surprising to me - I am not one of those.  I don't want the big fancy wedding.  And, I still don't. A cute little country wedding will do just fine for me.  More than the wedding, I am excited for the roots, as I explained to her.  To finally feel like my life isn't in a constant state of flux.  We have that together, the 3 of us.  We have started this foundation where we will build a life.  So, I am unpacking - We are unpacking, together


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go vote

 I voted.  

I got up early (ok, I actually didn't....  I skipped washing my hair to save on time), but I made it there and to work almost on time.  

Go Vote! :)





three grand essentials

Joseph Addison wrote:

 "three grand essentials to happiness in this life are

something to do,

something to love,

and something to hope for."


I have them all, and then some :)




on the hard days

I feel like a broken record.  I am so busy.  I am always saying , "just one second...." , "be there in a minute, I just need to do this really quick", "Hurry.  We are running late."  

All of the mom sayings could go on and on.  They seem as never ending as my guilt.  

How do I do it all?  Why isn't there more time?   Where can I find more patience?  Why does it seem like just when I can't add anything else or deal with one more thing to go wrong, in fact one more thing happens and another thing goes wrong.  Somedays, I feel like I am fraying at the ends, all of them.   Somedays are just hard.   Today is one of those days.  

My list of things to do grows longer and longer, and my time to do it gets shorter and shorter.  I cross one item off and add three more.  

I cried on my way to work today.  Not because of the lack of sleep contributed by my worrying mind or the  adorable little boy that doesn't want to eat his breakfast or put on pants, he never wants to wear pants.  Or because of the lost favorite dinosaur that we can't leave the house without.  But, the discussion in the car ride about the sun.  I wanted to pull over.  I wanted to just be late.  I wanted to just hold Brayden and cry it out because that's what makes things feel better.  

I pointed the rising sun out to Brayden.  I said, "see the big orange ball?  That's the sun.  It is rising for the day.  It will go way up high into the clouds. "  Brayden said, "I don't like the clouds."  I assume because we say that is where the sun is hiding when it is raining, and why we can't see the moon and stars sometimes at night.  That's what I think, anyway.  But, then I added, "the sun is hot."  "Like fire?" he asked.   "Yes, Brayden - just like fire."  Brayden looks at the sun, then back at me as I glance over my shoulder, "there are dragons on there breathing fire.  That's why it's hot."

I love his little mind.  I love how the world appears to him.  I want more days of dragons on the sun.  I want to slow down.  I want to spend more time before those days are gone.  So, I cried.  Because, on the hard days, it's all I can do. 



Birthday of a Champion {belated birthday post}

This post is a few days late.  The past couple months have been so busy it is hard to get my personal blogs up. 

Picture taken by Aunt JenSo, to Drew - I am sorry your post is over due.  But, I want to take the opportunity to say Happy Birthday, to You! (that is as good as my rhyming gets)

Drew is my nephew.  He came into our lives as just a little guy, who at a very young age had already overcome many obstacles.   I remember celebrating his first birthday.  I have a picture of the two of us.  It is from back in the day when pictures weren't really digital.  They were printed and filed for later viewing...  if you can find them.  Well, I would love to have had that picture to put on here, but I can't find it.  I can still see it in my head.  Drew is in a cute red sweater, and I am in blue.  I am tickling him to try to get him to smile for the camera.  And, it worked. All these years later - that smile hasn't changed.  It is big and beautiful.  He has that same sparkle of wonderment and curiosity in his eye.  Drew is lovable.  And for those that meet him, love him.  

picture taken by Aunt Jen - Riding his horse at Blazing saddlesBirthdays mark a milestone for everyone.  To each person, it holds different significance.  For Drew, it is just another day, like most kids.  On his birthday he gets the cake, presents, and people to celebrate with. Drew doesn't realize the challenges he has overcome because it is just how his life has been.   But, for those that have conquered the years past with him, his parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and advocates - Drew's Birthday is special.  It represents many, many victories.  It is the birthday of a champion.


Picture by his Mom - 2nd place at fair for his horse paintingNext year, we will all reminisce about the past year and how far he has come - and each year after that, we will do the same.  Drew continues to amaze us all, and will with each birthday. 


Happy Birthday Drew!
We love you and are so proud of you!


The whole family - picture by Chris Bland



three peas in a pod

I have a soft spot for boys.  

Seriously, I love them.

You should have seen these three.  Could they be any cuter?

I am still editing - I can't decide on favorites - because they are ALL so stinkin' cute! I had to post really quick - because I was so excited.  Check out these blonde cuties - three peas in pod.



as the years go by {thielk family smiles}

Growing up in a small town, everyone knows everyone.  It is a comforting feeling - familiar faces, familiar smiles.  

This is the Thielk family.  Dana (the mama), was a year older than me in high school.  Her parents were in high school with my parents.  And here she is - a busy mom with children that are growing fast.  Her little one, and my little one are close in age too.  Years and years of of history, in one little town.  

Here is the Thielk family, and their smiles.  It was a picture perfect day! 




four generations {family smiles}

James and I are Facebook friends.  And, he is my dealer.  :)  He sometimes supplies my addiction...  for antiques!  He keeps my up to date on any of his new finds and gives me a chance to snag them first!  I love having an in! 

So, when he called last week and asked me to squeeze in a session for his wife's family - I had to :) 

I go to their home and take their pictures.  They are a lovely little family.  We got all of the requested poses and a few random too. James sent me a thank you text after I left.  I told him it wasn't a problem at all.  Then, he relied again and said, "it is the first full family picture they have ever had taken."  I about cried.  And, I was honored to do it for them.  Here they are; 4 generations of happiness and love. 




{little butt-cheekers}

I got an email the other day that said something like, "...I was referred to you by a friend,  I have a 15 month old daughter and I would love to get some nudies of her, you know, like her cute little butt and tiny feet... "

I squealed!  "Of Course, lets do some nudies!" :)

She is adorable, and perfect.  She couldn't have been any cuter if she tried!  

She had her 5 year old sister along.  She made a great assistant!  And, talk about naturally photogenic - the camera loved her!

Check out these butt cheekers!  I am going to warn you...  you are going to want to pinch those cheeks, both sets! :)



{family smiles} on the lake

Hi Everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weekend!  I spent it with some beautiful people - and lots of pictures! 

Here is one of several sessions from this past weekend - taken at the lake.   What an adorable family!  The day was picture perfect - and so are their smiles! ;)



Senior Smiles {Here's Johnny - Part 1}

Here's Johnny!  

I LOVED doing this session!  It was a beautiful day out on the boat.  Perfect weather, good company, and we even had great music to fit right in with the moment!

This is part 1 of his pictures.  Many more sports editions to come! 

There is still time to get your Fall senior Smiles Session booked!  Contact us today! :) 



Sneak Peak {Wedding Day Love}

I have been holding off on this post... but, I can't wait anymore! :)  We are almost finished with this beautiful couples special day. 

I will do a full post soon.  I have so much I want to say about this day and how special it was to share it with this couple, their family, and their friends.  For now, here is just a peak of what is coming.  :)



Far from, but not yet

I was told the other day by a good friend, whom I respect very much, "You are not getting any younger.  You need to decide what you are going to do with the rest of your life."

At first it bothered me, for two very obvious reasons:

1) Am I old?  - I didn't realize!  

2) Am I not fulfilling my life?  What is wrong with where I am at?

After pondering this statement for a while, I came to some very important conclusions.  First, I let what other people say and think get to me WAY to much.  And, I know my dear friend had the best intentions, and he was trying to inspire and motivate me, but  I am perfectly content right where I am.  For now.

I am a list maker.  I have lists and sticky notes, every where.  I have so many 'chores' to keep organized, not to mention just the ideas and dreams that rush through my head on a per minute basis.  I make these lists to keep me organized, to keep me focused.  I budget and plan out my tasks for the week.  And, If I accomplish half of what is on my list - and stay relatively close to my monthly budget, I am doing ok.

I have been applying that same principal to my life.  I use to plan, plan, plan exactly how my life was going to come together.  Instead, I watched my life unfold and fall apart.  I would pick it up and do it again, and the same life unraveling would happen.  As all of us have experienced, life happens.  More often then not, it doesn't go 'as planned'.  It is how we react and respond to those life happenings that actually change the outcome of our life.  It may not change what actually happens, but it impacts our perspective - and it impacts the lives of those who surround us.  So, I make mental notes of all of the things I want to do in my life; be it going back to school, a different career choice, places to travel, how many children I want to have, to crafts and food I want make.  If I can accomplish even half (maybe a quarter) of my long list, then I know I am doing ok.  

I can say, most often with a smile, This was not the plan :) My life, as I see it, is so much better then I could have ever listed out.  My life is unfolding as it should be.  And there are days when it seems to be far from perfect - when in actuality, every day that we are living is perfect.  Through cars that won't start, alarm clocks that got ignored, trains when we are already late, sick kids, grocery store tantrums, and bottomless piles of dirty clothes.  That is how I know what I have is perfect.  I know because running late means I have some where to be.  I am needed.  I have a turning 3 to quickly, healthy little man. I stress out about the occasional fever and ingrown toe nail - how lucky am I?  I am healthy.  I can walk, I can run, I can breath, I can see and I can hear.  I can experience life.  The good and the trying.  I get to live it.  I get to be present in it.  

"Far from what I once was, but not yet what I am going to be"

So, the statement / question that my friend posed doesn't bother me any more.  I know where I am supposed to be.  It is right where I am.  I know the direction I am headed, I walk it one step at a time.  The destination isn't determined because I may detour and end up somewhere perfectly unplanned, which to date is exactly how it has worked so far.  I am doing my best to live in the present and look forward to the future.  I know that whatever life gives me - We will make it the absolute best, because we decided to do so.  
